Some major causes of damages in wall paints

Some homeowners are very much conscious about the proper use of paints and the attribute attached to the paints they use. They simply would not compromise on the quality which results in a long lasting beautiful wall colors, both for the interior and the exterior in Nepal. Nevertheless, there are several cases where the damages in the paint layer on the walls exists because of the discrepancies and the flaws of some elements in the house structure.

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Flawed plumbing, which results from internal leakage and misplaced pipelines is one of the most prominent issues in the paint wearing away off the walls in Nepal. They are mostly encountered in the bathrooms and kitchen with dense pipeline in the walls, but may also happen anywhere else in the house. The internal leakage within the walls causes seepage of moisture from underneath to the surface of the wall which cannot be discovered before the signs of peeling off could be seen. The use of durable paints of Nepal could offer resilience against the damages but it would not be sufficient to eliminate the problem. However, the problem of leakage within the walls not only leads to erosion of paint layers but may also cause weakening of the structure and collapse of the wall as well. Homeowners should ensure proper plumbing during construction of their homes and promptly conduct repairing if any plumbing flaws are encountered.

Another contributory factor in the depletion of the wall paints in Nepal is the smoke and the fumes exhibited from the Kitchen and store rooms, basements and even the exteriors of the house. Although some of the best paints of Nepal are renowned for the resilience against many degrading agents which include dust, dirt and smoke, the continuous process may contribute in the breakdown of the toughest layer of paints over a period of time. Kitchen, fireplace and the grills outside the house are prone to produce smoke mainly while cooking which creates a layer over the paint film which if left unchecked over a long time may result in its permanent settlement. It is therefore crucial to have chimneys and proper ventilations for the smoke to deviate away from the walls. Also, ensure to properly insulate the heating system and the thermostats in order to reduce the damages to the walls and the paints. It would be relevant for the use of products that are close to being fireproof paints as a precautionary step for your home in Nepal.